Brigade Cookies

Brigade uses cookies and similar technologies to provide and secure our websites, as well as to analyze the usage of our websites, in order to offer you a great user experience. Please take a look at our Privacy Policy if you’d like more information about cookies, and on how and why we use them.

Brigade does not currently use any cookies and similar technologies on the Brigade website located at

You can view the current list of cookies and similar technologies on the Brigade Service located at hereunder:

Brigadechakra-ui-color-modeUsed to store the current user interface theme parametersLocal storageN/A
Brigadesession.last-org-idUsed to remember the last visited organization for the userLocal storageN/A
Brigadesession.refresh-tokenUsed to maintain user authenticationLocal storageExpires when the user logs out
Brigadeui.nav.openUsed to remember the last state of the user interface navigationLocal storageN/A
Brigadeui.recipe.expandedUsed to remember the last state of the user interface sub-recipe expansionLocal storageN/A
Stripe__stripe_midSet for fraud prevention purposes and helps assess the risk associated with an attempted transactionCookie1 year
Stripe__stripe_sidSet for fraud prevention purposes and helps assess the risk associated with an attempted transactionCookie30 minutes
Stripestripe.customerportal.csrfPrevents attackers from making requests that change user data to Stripe from other websitesCookieSession

If you have questions or concerns about cookies, please contact us via